
MMOA attends ECS Conference 2018

Patrick Lyne recently attended the European Cetacean Society in La Spezia in Italy and presented a poster on Soft starts. Using the occasion to promote best practice and the MMOA. Topics for discussion were many and varied, but of particular interest to those in mitigation may be the new CMS seismic guidelines which form part of CMS resolution 12.14 adopted on October 28th and are no longer as the filename suggests a draft version. This resolution suggests a more rigorous approach to environmental assessment and mitigation than currently exists in most jurisdictions.

Next year the ECS conference will be in December and combined with SMM in a joint conference and all are encouraged to attend if they can. The conference on the Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life will also be held on the 7th to the 12th of July 2019 in Den Haag. So these are two important conferences next year in Europe.

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