Organisations who Support our Aims

The following organisations have agreed that they support the aims and objectives of the Association. They do not provide financial support. Please click on their logo to follow through to their website.

JNCC is the public body that advises the UK Government and devolved administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation. JNCC is led by the Joint Committee, which brings together members from the nature conservation bodies for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and independent members appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under an independent Chair. JNCC did intially provide financial support for the start up costs of the MMO Association.
The PAMGuard software is a tool for Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM). Multiple detectors can be configured to concurrently detect, classify and localise a wide range of cetacean species. PAMGuard has been largely funded by the oil industry through the Sound and Marine Life JIP. The software is fully open source and is free to download.
The Association for Professional Observers (APO) is a non-profit organization with the mission to strengthen observer programs through advocacy and education. The APO strongly supports robust, transparent, scientifically-based fisheries monitoring programs that provide sound science to support sustainable fisheries management and reduced bycatch in fisheries. The underlying principle behind all of the APO’s activities is that well-prepared professional biologists with adequate support are necessary to articulate this course of action.
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) is dedicated to the conservation and better understanding of cetaceans in Irish waters. We support and conduct research into cetacean ecology and conservation in Ireland, aiding and working alongside universities, government agencies and other research groups. The IWDG works side by side with industry, fishermen and other groups to solve cetacean conservation problems to the benefit of both humans and animals.
Naked Whale Research (also NaWhaRe) encourages individuals and marine researchers alike to actively take part in helping create public awareness about the long-term survival threat to Endangered Southern Resident killerwhales, known as J, K, and L family pods. NaWhaRe uses scientific field research to educate and promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable marine environment in order to save these Endangered marine mammals. Killer whale sightings and data on areas of regular winter occurrence, movement patterns, and dietary preference, is collected to aid policy-making agencies with the Southern Resident killer whale long-term recovery plan.
CIRCE, (Conservation, Information and Study on Cetaceans) was born from the initiative of students, researchers, professors and communication experts with the objective to create a platform that would allow the development of quality research projects, integrated in the academic courses of students from national and international Universities. This acquired knowledge is then used to develop educational program and conservation program applied to marine species like cetaceans, turtles and marine birds.
Formed in 1997, the CRRU is a small non-profit research organisation based in northeast Scotland dedicated to the welfare, conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) through scientific investigation, environmental education, and the provision of a 24 hour veterinary service for sick, injured and stranded individuals. In co-operation with universities, research institutions and international environmental agencies, principal studies focus on the coastal cetaceans frequenting the Moray Firth, providing baseline scientific data for the adoption of long-term management measures and conservation strategies for their protection.
Whalefish is a non-profit international organization launched in 2014. Whalefish's task is to improve marine conservation awareness by transmitting the research of scientists and collaborators from the field to the public. Whalefish also provides a platform to network for conservation projects, volunteer and job opportunities within the scientific community.
The Omacha Foundation is a NGO dedicated to the investigation and conservation of natural resources focused on endangered species and ecosystems. Our work is based on integrating local cultural knowledge with biological knowledge generated by our researchers. We support the government and environmental corporations in sound monitoring practices and the design of legal frameworks. Since our inception, we have worked with aquatic mammals using them as key emblematic species to promote conservation of aquatic environments. Since 2008, the Omacha Foundation has been working as Marine Mammal Observers and looks forward to expanding the knowledge of marine mammals, sea turtles and sea birds in Colombian waters through the use of different platforms such as research vessels.
The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) is dedicated to enhancing knowledge and understanding of Scotland's whales, dolphins and porpoises and the Hebridean marine environment through education, research and working within Hebridean communities as a basis for the lasting conservation of local species and habitats. We conduct long term monitoring from our research vessel, Silurian, in addition to receiving sightings reports via our Community Sightings Network. Our education programme seeks to engage people with the marine environment, and we also have a Visitor Centre in Tobermory, Isle of Mull.
IMarEST is The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology; the international professional body and learned society for all marine professionals. IMarEST is the first Institute to bring together marine engineers, scientists and technologists into one international multi-disciplinary professional body.

AEnvCoW is the qualifying body for Environmental Clerks of Works (EnvCoW). AEnvCoW has been developed to raise professional standards amongst those providing EnvCoW services whilst promoting EnvCoWs as valuable members of site development teams. AEnvCoW is a not for profit organisation with a strong vision to improve the industry and integrate the working practice of a range of professionals working in the field of environmental auditing.

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