Shell Exploration and Production (LIX) is now being recognised as a key partner in assisting the MMO profession deliver a high standard of environmental protection on offshore projects.
Shell Exploration and Production (LIX) is a company that regularly contracts Marine Mammal Observers and Passive Acoustic Monitoring operator services as part of a project’s Environmental Management Plan. During the Balkanide 3D survey carried in the Bulgarian sector of the Western Black Sea, Shell adopted the Marine Mammal Observer Association’s (MMOA) Position Statements and best hiring guide for contracting suitably qualified Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators.
This meant that during the tendering phase of the project Shell Exploration and Production (LIX) adopted the MMOA position statements and analysed CVs from multiple agencies and took preference in their selection by favouring evidence for:
• Relevant academic qualifications and experience in marine mammal surveys/research demonstrating a professional interest in the role.
• Candidates who demonstrate Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
• Candidates associated and involved with the MMOA.
• Candidates with Registered/Chartered status.
• Previous Black Sea experience.
We are confident that MMOs and PAM Operators who deliver a consistently reliable and high standard of professional service are an important aspect in the success of offshore projects. We want to take this opportunity to thank Shell for its commitment to maintaining standards, on behalf of the MMOA membership and the industry as a whole.
The strength of the MMOA, and its ability to improve the MMO service, lies in its experienced membership and the support it has from the wider offshore industry including companies like Shell.